Why circumventing the system can result in account deactivation

Taking another user outside the system to work or to pay undermines the unique safety & security features, and degrades the commercial viability of a platform that was specifically built for you.

Circumventing the system is defined by the sharing of any information designed to communicate with another user outside the Vocalizr platform. This may include: email address, phone, messaging app links, and any social platform links. Users who have completed legitimate jobs on the platform will not have this restriction.

By keeping your project's communication on Vocalizr, it increases the the security we can provide. - Specifically we can refer to this if something goes wrong in the future.

By keeping your project's payment on Vocalizr, you are contributing to the ecosystem that was built for you.

Vocalizr is not a large company. It is owned and operated by one artist - just like you.

If you believe something could be done better - please let use know via the beacon or support.vocalizr.com

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